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All You Need To Know About Teeth Cleaning

While many people believe that teeth cleaning is as easy as using a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss every day, the truth is that this is just one easy step in the process of keeping your teeth healthy.

The practice of teeth cleaning combines the aesthetic benefit of having beautiful, bright white teeth with the health benefit of removing any debris from the gums and spaces between teeth that could eventually lead to diseases and oral health issues.

The following article, which is provided by Lilac Dental Center, has all the details and guidelines you need to keep your teeth healthy and clean.

What is the teeth cleaning procedure? How do I do it?

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A process of cleaning teeth can be characterized as a normal, potentially preventive or therapeutic practice that involves the removal of plankton and other impurities that become lodged between teeth, around tooth roots, or even beneath gum line and alter the natural appearance of teeth.

This procedure involves using a laser or ultraviolet dental cleaning tool together with other contemporary technology to remove hardened plaque or tartar and decaying food remnants that are present on the teeth and in the mouth’s vestibule.


How can I remove tartar from my teeth at home?

Through a specific system that involves performing a number of health procedures, anyone can perform the process of cleaning, caring for, and maintaining the whiteness and shine of their teeth at home. However, before beginning, it is necessary to be aware of a number of crucial scientific facts that will support you in maintaining the cleanliness of your teeth.

What is the cause of white teeth?

The outer layer of the tooth that is visible, called the enamel layer, is made up of a collection of alive cells with spaces between them. White crystals made of hydroxy hepatitis, a chemical compound with a bright white color, fill these spaces.

When plaque builds up on teeth, it hardens and becomes tartar, a permanent substance that causes light rays to reflect off of it in a different color. This is the reason why teeth color changes and become light yellow instead of brilliant white.

What leads to the buildup of tartar on teeth?

Certain kinds of bacteria found in the oral flora multiply quickly when they find an environment that is conducive to their growth, and this environment is enough food in the form of leftovers and beverages that are high in sugar and protein.

These microorganisms consume them and excrete waste, which leads to the formation of tartar on the tooth surface and an unsightly yellow color in the teeth.


Many women brush their teeth with natural materials like vinegar, lemon peels, honey and charcoal, and other combinations.


Does lemon remove tartar from teeth?

In actuality, lemon peels aid in keeping teeth brilliant white because they contain significant levels of oily acids that breakdown tartar and aid in its removal. Nevertheless, this method is not the most effective approach to whiten teeth at home.

Before using lemon peels to brush your teeth, make sure that your gums and jaw are free of illnesses and injuries. You should also make sure that your teeth are free of decay because the acidic materials in lemon peels can lead to a drop in oral health.

This is because the compounds in peels have a higher acidity than in naturally occurring foods, which exacerbates oral irritation, dental caries, and abscesses.

From an alternative perspective, some ladies use white vinegar to whiten their teeth in order to achieve a brilliant and eye-catching smile. However, because this method seems unusual to some, they ask us the same question about vinegar that they asked earlier.

Does vinegar clean teeth?

The answer from an aesthetic point of view is yes. White vinegar helps you get a bright, white and attractive smile, by dissolving pigmentation on the tooth enamel and killing the bacteria that generate tartar and plaque.

From the point of view related to dental health, dentists do not recommend performing the teeth whitening process with vinegar because it negatively affects the outer layer of enamel, causing thinning of this layer and exposing the inner layer called dentin, which causes pain and dental caries.

Home methods often help in getting rid of temporary stains on the surfaces of the teeth, but this will not suffice in the long run and after the plaque hardens and turns into tartar, which prompts us to get teeth cleaning sessions in private clinics.

How do I remove black tartar from teeth?

Dentists use different and varied methods in the process of whitening their patients’ teeth and removing the layer of tartar and plaque on them, either by using traditional dental methods and tools or by using a tooth cleaning and enamel whitening device.

The dental cleaning device works by removing layers of hardened plaque or tartar from the teeth by directing a precise laser beam that removes a layer less than 10 nanometers thick from the enamel surface.

This process is considered the most effective teeth cleaning process in the world, and it is the latest teeth whitening technology in Abu Dhabi, which relies on a device dedicated to the laser or ultraviolet teeth whitening process.

Dentists at the Lilac Dental Center advise you to adhere to a set of routine daily habits and practices that will preserve the results of the teeth whitening process and protect them from the recurrence of pigmentation. These procedures include:

First: Teeth Cleaning after Eating

Use a toothbrush and toothpaste rich in fluoride, and clean the surfaces of the teeth carefully and calmly so as not to cause any harm to the teeth. Also use dental floss to clean the spaces between the teeth.

The function of fluoride in medical toothpaste is to stimulate the remodeling of hepatite crystals, which helps strengthen the enamel layer and restore its white color.

Second: Use mouthwash to clean the jaw vestibule and oral cavity.

Use the oral and vestibular cleaning solution found in all pharmacies. It is a liquid that contains many chemicals that are useful in dissolving tartar in the solution that we spit out.

Third: Follow a healthy diet

It is important to avoid foods high in sugar and to take extra care to swallow food completely since, as we previously discussed, bacteria and germs in the mouth grow and thrive on starches and proteins that become lodged on the surfaces of the teeth and in between their bodies.


Teeth cleaning in Abu Dhabi

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The city of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, contains the best clinics and dental centers around the world, each of which competes to obtain the best teeth whitening techniques and the latest teeth cleaning techniques.

These techniques are a far cry from the at-home teeth cleaning and whitening methods that we mentioned previously, and their side effects and harms may be non-existent or almost non-existent.

Laser teeth cleaning steps

Dental cleaning operations in Abu Dhabi include several successive stages that the dentist must carry out in order to obtain the best possible result and determine the dental cleaning device that he will use during the operation. These stages are:

Step 1: examining the teeth and determining their condition

It is necessary for the dentist, before starting any dental procedure, to carry out a set of necessary tests and evaluations to verify that there are no problems that hinder his work in laser teeth whitening or other medical procedures, and these problems include:

  • Bleeding gums around the neck of the tooth.
  • Dental nerve inflammation.
  • Inflammation of the gingival mucosa.
  • Tooth decay and tooth decay.
  • The presence of tartar and plaque.
  • Pigmentation resulting from smoking or drinking artificially dyed beverages.

After conducting these tests and verifying the readiness of the patient’s teeth to undergo the whitening and cleaning process with laser or x-rays, the dentist begins to carry out the next step.

Step 2: removing and eliminating tartar and plaque buildup on the teeth

At this stage, the dentist uses a set of traditional tools to remove thick and large deposits from the surface of the teeth. Then he uses a precise dental cleaning device to get rid of the thin and small layers of these deposits.

Step 3: Teeth Whitening

After getting rid of all the deposits and obstacles that make the teeth yellow, the dentist uses modern teeth whitening techniques, such as a laser polishing device and an enamel hardening device after whitening.

Step 4: Dental Fluoridation

The dentist ends the laser teeth whitening process with the fluoridation step, which includes coating the visible part of the tooth with a gelatinous substance, which is fluoride gel, for a period ranging between 1-3 full minutes, so that the doctor ensures that the fluoride penetrates the spaces between the teeth and whitens them completely.

How many teeth cleaning sessions in Abu Dhabi?

The number of laser teeth cleaning sessions varies depending on the condition of the teeth prior to the operation and the degree of whiteness that the patient wants to achieve for his teeth. The number of these sessions is also controlled by the dental cleaning device used in the procedure.

Dentists at Lilac Dental Clinic recommend performing a teeth whitening session once every 4 to 7 months, or an average of three sessions per year.

The duration of one session ranges from 20 to 50 minutes of work, depending on the condition of the teeth and the extent of their decline.

Does brushing cause your teeth to get weaker?

The teeth whitening process in specialized medical clinics raises some concerns for many people, considering that the teeth cleaning process is a dental treatment process that may be painful or cause weakness in the teeth.

The world-class dentists at Lilac Dental Center say that cleaning the teeth from plaque and tartar using a laser or one of the old or modern techniques is a very simple and safe process, and it is not necessary to undergo anesthesia when performing it, but it is possible that some unexpected side effects will appear, such as:

  • Minor pain resulting from the stimulation of some cellular processes in the teeth when brushing them.
  • Discomfort resulting from exposure to one of the types of radiation emitted by a dental cleaning device.
  • Injury or inflammation of the gums as a result of damage to one of the tools used by the doctor.
  • Pain and irritation in inflamed gums due to high temperature as a result of exposure to radiation.
  • Teeth sensitivity to pain resulting from extreme cold due to the exposure of the dentin layer.

It is worth saying that these effects and problems result from medical errors and the doctor’s failure to adhere to academic protocols in the treatment process, or as a result of a technical error in the laser teeth cleaning device, or as a result of the patient’s failure to adhere to his doctor’s recommendations and advice after the procedure.

What do dentists advise after teeth cleaning?

At Lilac Center, we offer you the following set of tips for maintaining the health and color of your teeth:

  • Pay attention to brushing your teeth quietly, without violence, and quickly in use.
  • Adopt a toothpaste rich in medical fluoride.
  • Avoid consuming cold and hot foods and drinks without time intervals between them.
  • Wash the mouth, tongue and gums with a sterile medical toothpaste.
  • Do not perform plaque and tartar removal operations at home using hard tools.
  • Request advice from the responsible dentist if necessary.

FAQ about teeth cleaning in Abu Dhabi

Does tartar cause bad breath?

Yes, the process of forming plaque and hardening it until it turns into tartar causes unpleasant odors to emerge from the mouth as a result of gases released by chemical reactions carried out by bacteria when fermenting sugar and protein to obtain their food.

Does tartar return to the teeth after cleaning them?

We simply cannot get rid of the bacteria that generate plaque and tartar because they are an important component of the oral environment. Therefore, it is natural for plaque and tartar deposits to return in the event of neglecting oral hygiene and not adhering to the advice of the treating physician.

How do I remove dental tartar without a dentist?

In fact, you can perform the process of cleaning teeth and getting rid of tartar without a dental cleaning device, through natural mixtures used at home, for example:

  • Wipe teeth with fresh lemon peels.
  • Use vinegar as a mouth and teeth rinse.
  • Use a solution of water, salt and citric acid.
  • Mix honey and charcoal or leftover burnt bread.
  • Use a solution of baking yeast or baking powder.

Is cleaning gums the same as cleaning teeth?

The gums are known as the tooth-bearing part. They are a mucous membrane located between the surfaces of the alveolar pits in the upper and lower jaw bones and the surfaces of the teeth roots. The process of cleaning the gums is a completely different process from the process of cleaning the teeth.

Is teeth cleaning difficult and painful?

Teeth cleaning with laser or ultraviolet rays does not cause any direct pain to the teeth if they are healthy, but that does not negate the possibility of slight pain if there is tooth decay, tooth decay, or gum infections.

Does tartar cause tooth erosion?

Tartar fills the voids and gaps within the enamel layer from the outside, where it can replace the hepatite crystals present in it, which may cause corrosion of the enamel layer in the long run if the condition is neglected and the problem worsens.

Does dental cleaning at the doctor remove the enamel layer?

Many people feel pain in the first hours following the teeth cleaning process, and this pain may last for a day or more. As for the cause of this pain, it is the occurrence of voids within the gaps that were filled by tartar and plaque after its removal.

Dentists at the Lilac Dental Clinic advise you to undergo fluoridation or to continue using a fluoride-rich toothpaste in order to actively compensate for these gaps by filling them with hepatite crystals.

When do I eat after cleaning my teeth from tartar?

Most dentists agree that the patient can eat and drink a short period of time after the laser teeth whitening session, as this period does not exceed 30 full minutes, but it is recommended to delay eating in the event of sensitivity or mild pain in the teeth after the whitening process.

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